"An Inspector Calls" by J. B. Priestley - March 2008

Directed by David Darby

Production Manager Tony Stafford

The Cast

Arthur Burling

Jon Jones

Sybil Burling

Tina Warrington

Sheila Burling

Katherine Buttfield

Eric Burling

Ben Chilvers

Gerald Croft

Terry Hall

Inspector Goole

Alan Haydock


Sally Anderson

Ghosts of the Future

Madeline Clarke

Carol Radford

Carole Stafford

Tony Stafford

& James Telling



Set in 1912, An Inspector Calls introduces us to the rich Birling family, comfortable in their upper-class luxury and middle-class morality. A police officer visits with some questions about a mill girl who killed herself, and gradually brings to light every member of the family's complicity in her fate. Even though the play then raises questions about the Inspector's legitimacy, the family find themselves unable to return to their complacency.

Act 1

Evening - just after dinner

Act 2

Immediately following

20 minute Interval

Act 3

Immediately following

The Production Team

Stage Manager

Stan Harbidge


Annette Ayres


Carole Stafford

Sound & Light

Clive Holland 


Susan Jones


Carol Radford

Set Design 

David Darby


Tony Stafford

Set Construction

Tony Stafford


Carol Radford


Rose Keen


& Group Members


Annette Ayres 


Jon Jones

Ticket Sales 

Christine Harbidge


Kath Ready


& Group Members

Front of House

Group Members


Christine Harbidge