"The Winslow Boy" by Terence Rattigan - November 1994

Directed by David Darby

Assisted by Pam Thompson

The Cast (in order of appearance)

Ronnie Winslow

Adrian Morgan

Catherine Winslow

Sarah Taylor


Val Culrn

Grace Winslow

Judy Pratt

Arthur Winslow

Geoff Halfnight

Dickie Winslow

Mathew Thornpson

John Waterstone

Tirn Wildgust

Desrnond Curry

Richard Miller

Miss Bames

Christine Jackson


Mike Scott

Fred's assistant

Victoria Morgan

Sir Robert Morton

Stan Harbidge


The play takes place in the drawing room of the Winslow House, South Kensington, in the years just before the great War of1914/18.



Scene 1. 

A Sunday morning in July Scene 2. An afternoon in April (9 months later)

ACT 2 


Scene l.

An evening in January (9 months later) 

Scene 2. 

An afternoon in June (5 months later)

The play was inspired by the facts of a well known case but the characters are based on the authors imagination.

The Production Team

Stage Manager

Helen Smith


Angela Wright


Richard Miller


Andrew Barnes

Sound & Light

Clive Holland 


Martin Day

Set Design

David Darby

Set Construction

Richard Miller


Stan Harbidge


Christine Jackson


Kath Ready


Edwina Parnham

Front of House

Members of the group