Group Members building the set for "Death by Golf" Feb 2017. Click on the image to start the timelapse.
Current Membership
We've gained a number of new members during the last year or so and we now have 47 members in the group, most of whom live in or around Radcliffe on Trent.
Equal Opportunities Statement
We, Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group recognise that certain people are discriminated against. We are wholly opposed to this and will take all necessary steps to eliminate discriminatory practices in all of our activities. We intend to treat everyone equally. We wish to avoid discriminating against people on account of their gender, marital status, age, race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, health, responsibility for dependents, political activity, physical, mental ill health and learning difficulties, etc.
All members of the Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group are required to comply with the policy and will receive a copy of this statement when joining and paying their first membership subscription.
The statement will also be visible on the Radcliffe-on-Trent Drama Group website.
How to Join
In addition to acting, those currently involved in the group all help in one way or another from making coffee to building or decorating the set, getting posters produced, helping with ‘props’, producing the programmes, and a hundred other tasks.
About half of those currently in the group have ‘trod the boards’ in one play or more, but the joy of the group is that no production ever gets seen by an audience without a full team effort; there are usually more people behind the scenes than on stage.
Each year we perform three plays, usually one in February / March, one in May / June and the last in November. If you'd like to find out more, give me or any member of the committee a call or come along to watch a rehearsal. With the exception of the Summer break we usually meet twice a week, on Monday and Thursday evenings, in St. Mary's Hall, Main Road (next to the Church).
If you always fancied having a go at acting but you are not sure if you'd be any good, just remember that all of us started somewhere and there are lots of helpful people in the group to guide and encourage you. Come along and meet us, you’ll be under no obligation, though I do have to warn you, it is addictive; I took part in my first play in March 1996 and all these years later I still can’t wait for the next.
During the year we fit in various social events including theatre visits, a quiz, a treasure hunt, annual dinner and other occasional activities.
Emma Findlay, Hon. Secretary 07309 732735
We normally rehearse in St. Mary's Hall, Main Road (next to the Church) from 7.30pm, every Monday and Thursday evening. If you are interested in joining us, please click here
Committee - 2021/2022
Honorary President Annette Ayres
Chairman Jeremy Bryant
Secretary Emma Findlay
Treasurer Sue Terry
Committee Members
Debbie Edwards
Terry Hall
Christine Harbidge
Ian Carr
Standing: Ian Carr, Jeremy Bryant,Terry Hall, Emma Findlay
Seated: Annette Ayres, Debbie Edwards, Sue Terry, Christine Harbidge